
Citronne Gallery

By: | June 5th, 2014 | 0 Comment

Citronne Gallery is in an 18th century building, an austere example of island architecture, on the promenade of Poros.

The name of the gallery refers to Poros’ well-known lemon grove and to the novel with the same title, published in 1930 by Κosmas Politis. In addition to Politis, Poros is linked to Yiorgos Theotokas and the Nobel laureate Yiorgos Seferis, two important representa1ives  of the literary generation of the 30 s, who found in  the island an especially beloved summer destination and a secluded location for writing.

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Α determining element to Citronne’s identity derives from its geographical location. Poros is an atypical island with a transitory nature. Its central position among the Saronic islands, its close distance to Athens in relatively calm seas, its proximity and special economic and social interaction to the Peloponnesian coast across it, and its large and inviting natural harbor, make Poros, as its name suggests, a passing point. People have been moving in and out of Poros in a way unusual for other islands, whose isolated nature makes them destinations and thus more static. Part of the identity of Citronne as an art space derives from that transitory “movement” that takes place in Poros. Citronne operates only during the months of summer; to bring an intellectual stimulus outside the urban centers to a cross point; a passage – ‘”poros” – and in an oxymoron way aims to become a destination, to create a “central” reference point where people can meet, exchange ideas, be enriched through their exposure to the exhibited works. We hope to revitalize the artistic scene in the island and create an intellectual discourse during the three months of each summer.

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Citronne Gallery

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