
Folk Dances Create Culture Bridge Between Dusseldorf and Poros

By: | June 8th, 2015 | 0 Comment


Strollers on the Poros waterfront were in for a treat on June 6, when the German dance troupe Orfeas entertained locals and visitors by performing Greek folk dances.
Wearing traditional Greek dress, the fourteen dancers from Dusseldorf demonstrated how culture creates bridges between peoples, especially at a time when political relations between their respective countries may be strained.

The German dancers were joined by members from the NOPT dance school in performing the hasapiko and hasaposerviko known worldwide as “Zorba’s dance” thanks to Michael Cacoyannis’s 1964 film of the Kazantzakis novel.

The Poros performance, which was repeated the following evening at Galatas, was organised by the Municipality of Poros with assistance from Katerina Sakelliou. The members of the Orfeas troupe are visiting the island for their holidays.

Diane Shugart

About Babis Kanatsidis

Folk Dances Create Culture Bridge Between Dusseldorf and Poros

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