
Yoga Week at the Odyssey

By: | December 5th, 2014 | 0 Comment


Author and photographer: Annette Spaan
Dutch Travel Journalist Annette Spaan spent months at the Odyssey and wrote this blog about her experiences.

The yoga and meditation week at the Odyssey seems like a great opportunity to finally put my brain into a much needed zen-mode. When I try to relax, at least ten different subjects race through my mind at 160 kilometers per hour. Since the whole week is based on Greek mythology, I will even get to discover my inner Goddess.


This yoga seminar is Dutch. There are 12 of us under the tutelage of yoga teacher Mirjam de Boer, who is from the Netherlands. On the first day she gives each of us a bracelet with a little Buddha. Mine is made of jade, my favorite colour!


Most of the yoga classes will be held in the gym next door to The Odyssey, but for some we will get to explore more of Poros. For our first adventure we visit Russian Bay, one of the island’s loveliest beaches.


Against a background of ruins I close my eyes and join in on the meditation. It only takes a few seconds before what-to-do lists and grocery shopping needs start to dominate my thoughts. The more I try to suppress them, the louder they speak.


Yoga teacher Mirjam de Boer

The yoga begins. It has been a long time since I last followed a class. I feel stiff and find that my back is protesting. It is a joy to watch Mirjam perform yoga, she looks like a Greek Goddess herself.


With the yachts floating in the background we even do yoga in the sea. In the distance we can see the uninhabited island that we will visit later this week.

Read the full article and see the photos HERE

About Babis Kanatsidis

Yoga Week at the Odyssey

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